The Darcy Lynn Dengel Foundation, Inc. came into being in October of 2008.  The drive behind establishment of the foundation was to honor the memory of Darcy and to help those pursuing a career in nursing.

Darcy lost her life in a Mercy Flight plane crash in 2007, doing the job that she loved.  Not only was Darcy an excellent Emergency Room and flight nurse, she was an honest, loving, giving daughter, sister, fiancée and friend. 


She gave of herself for the benefit of others, not only to care for people  using the tools of a competent and skilled nurse but to heal their spirits and souls as well.

Darcy graduated from Manhattan High School in Manhattan, Montana in 1997.  She attended Montana State University and received her RN degree in 2001.  She was employed at Sidney Health Care in Sidney, Montana from 2002 to 2003 where she was cross-trained in all areas of the hospital.  In 2003, Benefis Health Care in Great Falls, Montana hired her as an Emergency Room nurse.  Her next goal was to become a flight nurse and she achieved that goal in 2005. 

Camp Francis, a camp for grieving children, was one of the organizations that Darcy was very involved with.  Beginning in 2000, Darcy made sure that one week of her vacation every year , no matter what she was doing, was spent at Camp Francis.  She went to the camp for seven years as a cabin leader, helping children to work through their grief in a safe environment.
